Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pimpin Aint Easy...

...but I'm doing what I can to make it fun again.

I've actually taken the day off and I'm going to work tomorrow with the express intent of driving around downtown and midtown on a nothing more and nothing less than a fact-finding mission. If I make a couple bucks, all the better. I know the key to making a more consistent money day is to have the confidence to work downtown and midtown where the action is. The middle lynchpin of my $180 dollar 3 hour burst a couple days ago was from 2 Shell Plaza. This area can keep me working consistently.

I've learned a thing or two about my relationship with the Bay Area. It's just too affluent to consistently work in. Friday was rough, and got rougher when another monsoon blew through Houston late that night. It was pretty much my last experiment. It's time to look at the "known" hot spots and learn my way around them.

In other news, I got a busted headlight replaced and another oil change. Not earth shaking news, but the latest.

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