Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day One, Part Two... Much Better

One can always speculate as to what a first day on a new job is going to be like. Well, here's the scoop.

It was FABULOUS... and I didn't even do the full 12 hours. That, I'm saving for tomorrow. Since I was starting to nod at the wheel a bit from all the waking up I did in the middle of the night last night, I'm pretty sure that all my sleep (if you can actually call it that) was broken and battered... and may have added up to two hours.

Honestly, I don't know what I was trippin' over.

It started a little rough, with a call at an apartment complex that turned into me not knowing where the open gates were. However, I still got my fare to her job on time, and it turned into my first fare with a tip.

I handled my first Metro Subsidy, my first Metro Lift assist, my first credit card - all in the same day. I left the house with 40 bucks and came back with a hundred and that was with me constantly logging myself out of the system to brush up on stuff I was weak on - in that regard, it definitely wasn't even a full 8 hour day. BTW - thank goodness I'm supplementing my Key Map with having my laptop and the Cricket stick. Being able to find some streets using the internet instead of flipping back and forth when the dispatcher gives me the wrong Key Map page was nothing less than a godsend. And, true to their word, Cricket's network is sufficiently built out to where I was dropping my connection all the time. Definitely worth the 40 bucks, and is much easier to read than some tiny-assed GPS module.

This afternoon, I nap to catch up... then tonight, I treat myself to anime, a basket of fries and an iced tea. Tomorrow, I do the full 12 with a better sense of what to do, how to do it, and how to get it done quickly without sacrificing safety and service.

Oh... here's another "I can laugh about it now:"

As I was leaving my apartment, I realized I was missing the keys to the front door. I found them on the floor of my cab, apparently having slipped off when I put the cab key on my key ring. They are now quite secure. Literally, I was worked up into a sweaty lather over it and I didn't stop raining on myself until half way through breakfast. If I am good at nothing else, I am DAMN GOOD at getting myself pissed at nothing... and then laughing at myself afterwards. =D

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